CLC UK and Kingsway Trust Merger
It is plainly evident that our world has changed beyond recognition during this time. CLC has had to face up to those realities – bookshops do not work in the same way as before; people buy books online; they read eBooks and listen to audio books; and ours is a visual age, with images and the spoken word... Read more
CLC Appoint New International Director
At the recent CLC International Council held at High Leigh Christian Conference Centre in High Leigh, Hertfordshire, UK, Gerardo Scalante was unanimously elected as the new International Director for the next four years in succession to Neil Wardrope who has served in the position for the last 12 years. Read more
Homecall of Mrs. Marlene Ramroop
Marlene Ramroop had served with CLC on her home island of Trinidad for almost 40 years. She first worked in the Arima bookshop, becoming the manager, and then as the manager of the main bookshop in Port of Spain. In 2000, Marlene became the National Director for CLC in the East Caribbean. Marlene fulfilled this role with remarkable dedication and commitment until her ‘promotion to glory’ on May 30th, 2015 after a brief but serious illness. Read more
Living with Ebola
In Sierra Leone, where CLC has four bookshops, the Ebola crisis shows no sign of stabilising yet. Praise God our staff members are keeping well, but the bookshop ministry is struggling with lack of funds and stock at what should be a busy time of year. Read more
Another New Bookshop for CLC in 2014
CLC (known locally as ELS) India opened its 21st bookshop on Friday August 22nd. The shop, built especially for the purpose, is situated in the compound of the Bangalore Baptist Hospital and staff members have been waiting for a long time to have such a facility on site. Read more
New Bookshops in 2014
During the 70 years plus history of CLC, we have grown - although not always in leaps and bounds, and there have been years when we have closed more bookshops than we have opened!
However, we continue to expand into places where there is a need or a demand for Bibles and Christian books.
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CRT 2014
CLC UK wins two awards at the annual "Christian Resources Together" trade show Read more
Publishing in Poland
Having been through a ‘difficult patch’, CLC Poland is working through the issues and, with only two full time staff for the two bookshops, is taking some big steps towards recovery and growth. Read more
Changes in CLC Canada
CLC Canada has grown this year – in fact it has doubled the number of bookshops in Montreal, and the surrounding area, in the past three months! Read more
Photos: CLC Canada new shops
Sierra Leone Bookshop Extension
A special celebration and re-dedication of the newly extended and improved bookshop on Circular Road, Freetown, was held on Saturday December 8th,2012. Read more
Photos: Sierra Leone Extension
Bibles for Belarus
CLC in Belarus, in partnership with CLC International, have just published their first print run of Bibles in Russian. Read more
The Good News continues
Chris and Christine Angelo have served with CLC in New Zealand for many years, most recently in New Plymouth where the CLC bookshop was called the ‘Good News Centre’. Read more
CLC USA Church Bookstore
On Sunday November 11th 2012, the 'Compassion CLC Bookcenter' opened at the Church of Christian Compassion in the Cobb’s Creek neighborhood of Philadelphia. Read more
CLC Netherlands Anniversary
Congratulations to CLC in the Netherlands. They celebrated their 50th anniversary with a special thanksgiving service on Saturday October 6th.
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Liberia - Back Again!
Praise the Lord after many years of waiting, long months of planning and busy weeks of preparation, CLC is once again up and running in Monrovia, Liberia, after an absence of 15 years.
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Colombia Flood Relief
There was severe flooding in parts of Colombia during the first half of December 2010. CLC Colombia has had the opportunity to take supplies and books to badly affected areas. Read more
Photos: Colombia Flood Relief